(+612) 2531 5600
PO Box 1622 Colins Street West Victoria 8077 Australia
Fit ‘N’ Flash Chicken Breast Fillets are made from100% Australian grown produce. Every ingredient is human grade and suitable for both cats and dogs to eat.
Ideal forsmall to medium size pets, these chews make for an excellent reward or in-between meals treat. They take a little longer to chew through so your dog won’t be able to gulp the treat down in one go. These treats are equally perfect (or should we say, purrfect) for cats and work well as a boredom buster.
You can rest assured that Fit ‘N’ Flash do not use any artificial colours or flavours in their treats andno nasty preservatives or additivesare used either. Low in fat and big on flavour, these treats won’t get buried or tossed aside by your furry friend. The Chicken Breast Fillet treats are also fabulous for training your kitten or puppy because they are soft in texture.
Made in Australia, this pack of deliciousChicken Breast Filletsis a great local addition to the treat cupboard!?
Available in a snap lock bag to seal in the freshness, the treats will last longest when stored in a cool and dry place that is out of direct sunlight.
For more in the Fit ‘N’ Flash Range, see below. Also available in 100g packs.
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