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PetSafe Ultrasonic Collarless Anti-bark Remote Trainer
This anti-barking device is ideal for smaller dogs who may not be able to wear a barking collar due to their small size. It doesn’t require your dog to wear a collar as all functionality is built into the remote.
The ultrasonic sound is activated by the owner and can be pressed to identify any type of negative behaviour like barking, howling or scratching.
How does this anti-bark ultrasonic trainer work
There are two buttons – one for an ultrasonic negative tone and the other for a positive tone to reward behaviour. When your dog exhibits negative behaviour you press the button for the ultrasonic tone. The tone is enough to distract your dog from committing the undesirable behaviour. You can then use the positive tone to mark good behaviour.
Your dog will soon learn to associate his behaviour with each of the tones. He will try to avoid negative behaviour since the ultrasonic tone is unpleasant to his ears. It is, however harmless and inaudible to humans.
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