(+612) 2531 5600
PO Box 1622 Colins Street West Victoria 8077 Australia
Seachem Discus flakes are a highly palatable super food that will benefit your fish’s overall wellbeing.
This food contains the goodness of squid and earthworms that fish benefit from. It’s a tasty and fulfilling food source.
Nutridiet Discus Flakes contain the following features:
The secret to Nutridiet’s improved palatability is GarlicGuard which helps add flavour to the food, meaning all fish will enjoy eating their flakes. Garlic also has properties that can ward away disease and parasites, keeping your fish in good health. It’s a super food that will make them feel super!?
For best results, try feeding up to 3 times a day. Follow instructions on the label and never overfeed.
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